A crisis is different for everyone, but one thing is the same for all of us; when we are in crisis we can feel as though everything is falling apart.
To see your crisis as part of a ‘breakdown to breakthrough’ process can help to give a sense of hope.
The ISEN Crisis Guide aims to give you some simple but vital tools that can help you to stay safe and manage your process to ‘emerge’ out of your crisis.
Having our experiences validated as ‘normal’, real, natural and meaningful can be one of the most important aspects of being able to heal and grow.
It’s vital that we are kind to ourselves during this time, and allow any emotions to surface and be expressed in a safe environment.
Having peer support from someone who has gone through similar experiences, and can listen without judgement, is really helpful. Go to the back page to find the resources that will be most helpful for you in your local area.
You are not alone! What you are going through is a normal part of a healing process. Don’t give up – there is light at the end of the tunnel even when you feel in complete darkness.
You are not crazy, you are becoming well and growing into wholeness, and that is a painful process.
Please feel free to download and distribute the guide as you wish; we hope that it offers many people support:
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