Right now, there seems to be a huge increase in fear and hatred in the world, with terrible fragmentation emerging. Each day, we are greeted by deeply troubling news.
What is really going on?
And could there be another way?
For more than fifty years, Dr. Stanislav Grof, one of the pioneers of psychedelic research, has been developing powerful tools to help people find profound new insights.
He has demonstrated that deep, inner work can cause healing that is far beyond what is normally thought possible.
He has demonstrated how this can also promote understanding between diverse groups and yield important insights into collective crises.
Stan’s work has also inspired many other positive initiatives, including new forms of treatment for veterans suffering from PTSD, compassionate care for people in spiritual crisis, and renewed interest in indigenous healing techniques.
His work has also transformed the way we think about giving birth and even the way we approach dying. And his work sheds new light on the root causes of violence.
This Saturday, July 23, Stan will offer a teleseminar called The Psychology of the Future. If you would like to tune in, please reserve your free place now, with this link:
But we also have one special request of you …
There are many other people who are not yet familiar with Stan’s ideas and work. So we ask you to to share this message with people you know–people who are suffering, people who are worried about our world, people who are looking for a new way.
Again, here is the link:
Despite all the discouraging news these days, we believe there are many people who are hungry for a new way to heal divisions, reduce violence, and find deeper meaning and hope. Stan’s vision is still one of the most radical, provocative, profound, and hopeful ones available. We hope that you will share this message widely and tune in to his message on Saturday.
The Stanislav and Christina Grof Foundation
Reserve your free place here: http://theshiftnetwork.com/PsychologyOfTheFuture